My track “Juices Like Wine” is part of this compilation to raise money for Mendocino area after the fires in North California. More details below.
This compilation is a result of the Mendocino Complex wildfires disaster that occurred over the summer of 2018 in Northern California. Any and all funds raised will be donated in full to two Northern California based organizations for community and recovery efforts post-fires.
Artwork courtesy of Mink Pokes
All proceeds donated to North Coast Opportunities –
United Way of the Wine Country –
Thanks to all the artists who have donated music to this project.
AECK: Thanks to Ariel Peake, Shiloh Jacobsen, Trent Ingersoll, and Brian Rattlidge. R.I.P. Thunder Cat.
i preferred myself that way: Thanks to Hank, BCB, AECK, and at least 2 Chris’s.
Nexus23: Dougal Birch and Frank Franko
LibraBeats: Amylia Willard
Memory Theater: Thanks to everyone who contributed to the compilation and everyone who has helped support me in my musical endeavors over the years.
dyLAB: Duran Duran
Magicsilverbox: Gray Squirrel Kitty, Mr. Fish, and Eight Eyed Bonnie
Mallon Khan: Sabrina Khan for encouraging me to keep making music.
Hoggamenta: Jessica and Manolo
FAH: Thanks to everyone for caring about people in need.
PL_anet: I would like to say thank you to all people involved in this compilation also my wife and daughter for constant support.
Ernst Habros: Alexis von Bielas and Technical Support by Mythischer Bahnhof
iZueL_: My parents, Humildad & Manuel, for giving me principles to follow in life. My sister, María, because introducing me into electronic music. My boyfriend, FSS, for being supporting me and a source of inspiration.
Travis Rinker: Special thanks to AECK AKA Alan Kirsch.
Alicyn Yaffee: No names necessarily! Thanks Alan.
Paracas Topara: Don’t worry about any shout outs except for yourself for asking me to be a part of the project.
The artists have contributed their music for free.